Saturday, September 19, 2009

pics from china

having a few setbacks getting pics up...
1. my camera isn't working right. it seems chinese batteries won't work in it??

2. i think uploading pics is somehow blocked by chinese government on blogger. i can't figure out how to uplaod them.. even though i've done it before, ..

i might have to make a blog on a different website..


J Goldberg said...

hey patrick i just busted out my rubiks cube again and i cant remember the "LEFT" move when i have top 2 layers complete and all the corners in place and want to move some of the bottom pieces around to fill them in to complete the sides...i remember the move "RIGHT" (i think we called it that) where u bring middle piece down bottom to the left middle back up bottom to left 2x then middle back down and slide bottom back into spot (sorry if thats confusing but assuming u know it since ur the fucking rubiksman) can you help me out with the other move????? fuckkkkkk hope all is well with u man

Anonymous said...

hey patrick! good seeing you update your blog. I was beginning to wonder if you had fallen into a hole or something...GL with your studies and if you figure out a way to do so, hop onto AIM once in a while so your old pals can catch up.

PS I busted babybudda twice since you've been gone just for you
